
Blog Posts

Changing expectations

June 23rd 2023

My thoughts on the notion that nobody wants to work anymore, and why I think it's so flawed.


What videogames have meant to me

June 20th 2023

The reasons why gaming is my favorite hobby and why it's been an important part of my life


We can all be better friends

Jan. 17th 2022

My takeaway from an in-person meeting with one of my best friends for the first time in over four years


Political Climate

I lay out my reasons as to why I'm unable to become invested in politics in America, and why I don't see that changing anytime soon.


Racism in America

After the killing of George Floyd brought police brutality to the forefront once again, I give my thoughts on the continuing racism in America and how I feel there is no easy solution to the problem.


Mental Health

This is about my realization that through finding out the real struggles of your friends, you get a greater sense of those real friendships, as well as those that were not as strong as you once thought.


Trying to Find my Stride Part Two

The second post about my anxiety and self-critique, and how some positive things have come out of this experience as well.


Trying to Find my Stride Part One

I finally open up about the anxiety that I've secretly been dealing with for a while, and the specific challenges that I deal with as a result of it.


Not Just Pets

Despite those tough days at the end, I try to put into words what the close relationships with my pets has meant to me.


Gun Rights

The situation of gun rights gets brought up after each tragic shooting, but for me, it's not nearly as simple as a lot of people think it is.


Short Stories

Overdue Punishment


This is a historical fiction piece taking place during the Battle of Iwo Jima, from the perspective of a Japanese soldier. He has a chance encounter with an American soldier that makes him question what he's been taught about the enemy.


Served Cold


This is about a young man that feels compelled to help his best friend. Thinking he's being a friend to her, he'll find out he's in over his head.



From the eyes of a German Officer leading his squad of soldiers in the battle of Stalingrad, Markus Schultz must face the brutal Russian winter as well as an enemy with seemingly infinite manpower.


Turned Upside Down

Samantha is a young girl that goes with her parents to the bank one day. While there, they become victims of a terrifying bank robbery. Besides her young age, Sam is also deaf and tries to piece together what is the most unbelievable day of her young life.



A letter to hipsters

An opinion toward many lifestyle aspects of the stereotypical hipsters


France 1916

World War I from the perspectives of both a German soldier, and a French soldier during the bloody battle at Verdun.


Ignem et mortem

A Vietnam War story that ends tragically for a group of American soldiers, a voice from the grave recalls with a code written in the lines what really happened.


Misplaced Hatred

Inspiration from a line of Richard Katrovas's poetry, a soldier lamenting his experiences in war and the disconnect between soldiers on the ground, and those that give the orders.


Rising Tide

Written in memory of Gwendolyn Brooks, this is about racial acceptance and about pity for those foolish enough to drown in a sea of malice and racial inequality.


To be a fruit is to live

No one ever said living as a piece of fruit would be easy. Each life has its own challenges, especially when egos and emotions become involved in the constant battle to survive.


To my Super Nintendo

A thank you letter to my favorite gaming console, for helping me discover one of my favorite hobbies and creating many memories.


Flash Fiction

A Different Street

Set in modern day New York City, Big Bird, The Count, Elmo, and the Cookie Monster struggle to adapt to life outside of their famous show.



Final Expectation (Work in Progress)

This is just through Act One so far, from the point of view of a British soldier living through the hell of the World War I trenches, with the backdrop of the Christmas truce where British and German soldiers laid down their weapons and met in no man's land.


Research Papers and Projects

Law Enforcement Senior Project

From my final year in college, this senior project involved one full semester's worth of research into a potential career avenue after school. At this time, I had some interest in law enforcement and security work.


Strong Females in Shakespeare's Works

A Shakespeare course final paper about the strong women written by Shakespeare that go against the grain of this time period, by measuring up to their male counterparts in every way.


To Be or Not To Be (Authentic)

Harriet Beecher Stowe came under intense scrutiny for her portrayals of black characters in Uncle Tom's Cabin. Even being written by a white author, this book still can have a place at the table of discussions about the terrible nature of slavery.
